For example I think Mudball works perfectly on a Ratfolk, Golarion or otherwise. That the flavor fits the character is actually more important to me than the intended cultural/racial tie. I'm currently GMing a group of vikings in medieval Scotland, and even though the Shoanti Spirit-singer trait is originally tied to the equivalent of either african tribes or native americans, I think it makes perfect sense on a viking Skald with Spirit Totem and Possessed Hand (the spirit in the hand is flavored as the same that fuels the trait). I do something similar for homebrew setting, too - I want an explanation why some flavor-tied thing makes sense for the character.

Similarly, I'd ask "why Wayang Spellhunter and not Magical Lineage?", and if the answer is "to get both", I'd shut it down hard.* Lessons of Chaldira on a non-halfling), I'd ask "why do you want this option", and "does it really have to be this option?" If someone wants to take Aboleth's Lung on a non-Gilman, I'd want to hear why is has to be that spells and not Air Bubble or Water Breathing, which work for underwater exploration, too. If someone wants a more exotic regional option, a racial option on another race, or an option from an unlikely religion (e.g. For me the most important aspect is motivation.