Vagrant Story breaks from Final Fantasy in another way aside from the game mechanics. You'll have to take the type of monster you're killing into consideration, their elemental affinities and plan for any of their attacks. This is essentially a dungeon crawling game complete with statistically intensive weapon and armor management, You'll build up weapons, combine them with others to create new or stronger ones, and spend a lot of time juggling our equipment while you pursue the storyline further. In all, it makes for a mix that incorporates multiple game styles while remaining aloof from them all at the same time.Expect to spend a lot of time alone with Ashley's thoughts as you progress in the game. Think of it as a fatigue and stress level all rolled into one. You'll also miss more frequently although your chances of making a critical hit increase. The higher your risk, the more ragged your defense. The more successive strikes you manage to connect with, the more often you successfully defend, the higher your Risk points will go. On the flip side, Square's fused a menu driven battle interface with a reflex driven combo and defense for a new approach to your basic role playing combat.

You'll have to jump precise jumps, solve block puzzles and navigate mazes all by yourself in a fashion strongly reminiscent of Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver. While posing a complex storyline, they're adapted an almost action based format for the journey. Vagrant Story isn't like your typical Square offering however. Vagrant Story takes the player though the catacombs and into the city of Leá Monde all to answer the question of what happened to everyone's favorite Risk Breaker during the week he vanished into the town. It's in this cheerful setting that we find ourselves accompanying Ashley Riot as he pursues the enigmatic but charismatic leader of the Müllenkamp cult into the doomed city. Now accessible only though gnarled catacombs that run from the city to the shore, it's a foreboding place where it's rumored the dead don't quite die.
Once a bustling city housing over 5,000 people, a series of disastrous quakes separated the city of Leá Monde from the living world.