If you are happy with the information above, please share it to your friends. On the other side of the chart, there are lesser-known songs by Growl presented in our Roblox ID library, such as Our library also contains a few other Growl songs, includes Is 3:28 minutes long and has been viewed about 260,179,189 views times. Alternatively, in case all of the Roblox codes above don't work for you, try doing a search on our site to find more codes for it.
You can try the first code or the second one, it does not matter. If you see more than one Roblox code for a single song, don't worry, they are simply backups since Roblox can take down songs because of copyright issues. (Otherwise having 12 members would be such a waste, wouldn’t it?) I also liked the idea of dividing the boys into 2 dance sub-units for the verses and then unifying them towards the end for the peak and the finale (such was the case with ‘ Wolf‘).Growl - EXO was ranked 63161 in our total library of 70.000+ Roblox ID. I thought it was cool that they took advantage of having a lot of members by executing a complex choreography. Every dance move was spot-on that my eyes were glued to the screen the entire video duration. It felt rather incomplete to listen to the song without watching the performance because the choreography was just integrated so well into the music. I’m not usually one who cares about the dance or the MV of a song because those things are always secondary to me (yes, music always comes first), but ‘ Growl‘ was an exception. It elevated the enjoyment of the song to a much higher level. ‘ Growl‘ was one of the few rare cases where the the MV truly enhanced the music to a wholesome audiovisual experience.

Yes, ‘ Growl‘ was a very catchy song per se, but what was even better, it came with a complete package: attractive visuals, an impressive choreography, and overall a very neat music video. All the rap parts belonged to the rappers deservedly, and Chen was of course the one who got to conquer the highest notes with his inexhaustible vocal cords.

His soothing voice was just perfect for that slow, balladic part of the song. Same goes for Lu Han’s solo turn during the break in the K version. He got to sing the most commanding lines (in the first verse) with his charismatic vocals, which just felt appropriate. The most tangible one was definitely D.O’s part (the beginning of the second verse in both the K and M versions) which totally suited his natural R&B disposition to a tee.

The song was richly layered with various elements and the parts were thoughtfully distributed among all the members based on their individual strengths and vocal styles. ‘ Growl‘ was a spot-on realization of EXO’s potential. Their diverse vocal qualities give them a winning edge as a group, but that can only be acknowledged when they’re given a perfect fit such as this single. With a staggering number of 12 talented members, EXO’s certainly got a lavish color palette that’s too good to be left unexplored. ‘ Growl‘ should have been their first comeback song IMO, as opposed to ‘ Wolf‘, although if it did then I’d only get my already high expectations crushed by ‘Wolf’ That’s exactly the genre that brings out the best in EXO. The song was mainly R&B with slight hip-hop overtones, which rightfully represented EXO’s best flavor. I got a kick out of it right from the get-go. ‘ Growl‘, on the contrary, was a surprising turnaround from ‘ Wolf‘. Not everyone, unfortunately, had the same willingness to let the song grow on them. I’m glad that I gave ‘Wolf’ a second chance, though, thanks to the saving grace that was the choreography. The composition of the song was honestly all over the place and very jumpy, which made it hard to digest. Understandably, as a rookie group EXO is still experimenting with various sounds/styles at such an early stage of their career, but in the end ‘ Wolf‘ was just not what worked best for them. I think almost everyone – fans and non-fans alike – unanimously concurred that this comeback was a hundred times better than ‘ Wolf‘. (Growl) (Chinese Ver.) Lyrics English Translation Yo, okay It’s very dangerous now, I’m warning you now (warn you) How do you not know (You didn’t know) Please stop provoking me (provoking) I’m.